Thank you to everyone who made the Champagne & Donuts event so successful and fun! Check back for more information on how to purchase the remaining rounds that were not sold at the event.
We are so very thankful for the incredible support for the First Annual Champagne and Donuts Art-in-the-Round Fundraiser!
Thanks to all of you for bringing the fun, festive vibe, purchasing art, and helping to make the day a great success! Over 60 art rounds were sold, over 420 artists and patrons attended the event, and we raised $15,500 K! We look forward to putting these funds to good use to further our mission and secure a more permanent space. Art rounds that were not sold at the event will be available online to purchase. Stay tuned for more details.
Special thanks to the amazing artists that gave their time and beautiful artwork, our incredible performers, and our sponsors for making this possible:
Event photos below and click here to view more.
Thanks to all of you for bringing the fun, festive vibe, purchasing art, and helping to make the day a great success! Over 60 art rounds were sold, over 420 artists and patrons attended the event, and we raised $15,500 K! We look forward to putting these funds to good use to further our mission and secure a more permanent space. Art rounds that were not sold at the event will be available online to purchase. Stay tuned for more details.
Special thanks to the amazing artists that gave their time and beautiful artwork, our incredible performers, and our sponsors for making this possible:
- Upslope Brewery, Habitat Doughnuts, Recreative Denver, Mix and Shoot, Denver Evans School and House Fish Designs (specifically Scott Bennet for cutting all our rounds) for sponsoring.
- Benjamin Hightower Music (@benjaminhightowermusic), Leah Podzimek (@leahpodz), Kira Dills-DeSurra (@dillsdes), Nicole Predki (@nikipredki), Jacob Mora (@jacob_j_mora) for the amazing performances.
- Brett Fox (@brettfoxstudio) & Jen Starling (@jenstarlingart) for distributing so many rounds to artists.
- Bridget Matarazzo, Micca Matarazzo, Mary Ann Ruth & Tara Snow for preparing the food.
- Jennifer Ghormley (@jenniferghormleyartist), Peggy Feliot (@feliot_art), Charles Livingston (@clivingstonstudio), Alex Branch (@alekscadabra), Jay Davis (@jaydavisrose), Steven Morrell (@stevenmorrell), Carmen Richards (@carmen._.richards), Joey Kerlin (@radiusstudios), Kristina Davies (@kristinadaviesart), & Micheal Smith for making this event happen with their time skill and energy.
Event photos below and click here to view more.